Friday, October 24, 2008

Love Family Carmel Corn

Cook time: approx 30 mins

4 qts popcorn
1 cube butter/margarine
30 lg marshmallows
1 cup brown sugar
Dash of salt

Melt butter over low heat. Stir in marshmallows and brown sugar. Mix until smooth. Pour over popcorn in large mixing bowl. Add a dash of salt while mixing popcorn.

Great treat for a large group!

1 comment:

John & Sarah said...

Thanks for posting this Mandy! I have been craving carmel corn since last Christmas but didn't have the time/energy to really make it. This was sooo easy and sooo good!

The recipe works perfectly for 1/2 cup of uncooked popcorn, popped. (I didn't know how much 4 qts was.)

One question- what does the salt do? John and I have a little dispute that needs settling. ;)